Completed in 2021, this new school in Virginia Beach needed stabilization before the new school year.
Project completed in 2018 and consisted of the installation of over 22,000SY of EC-2 matting and 25 acres of permanent seeding.
Completed in 2012, was the installation of all perimeter controls and 5,000 square yards of EC-2 matting for the Suffolk Airport.
This project for NAVFAC completed in 2010, was the seeding of a 56 acre cap on a closed Navy landfill.
Installation of 40,000 linear feet of silt fence and seeding of 100 acres of freshly graded areas adjacent to the new runway construction.
Seeding of 16 acres of new cell construction as well as 3,000 square yards of permanent turf reinforcement matting along the ditch lines.
Seeded approximately 50 acres of compensatory mitigation ponds and cells, over 5,000 linear feet of stream restoration.
City of Chesapeake included all perimeter controls, seeding and fine grading for approximately 18 acres of common area.
Established perimeter controls which included over 5,000 linear feet of chain link super silt fence.
Fine grading and seeding of approximately 18 acres of new plant construction, as well as the existing plant.
Installation of approximately 20,000 square yards of EC-2, eight acres of seed, 7,000 linear feet of filter barrier.
For this project, we were responsible for 30,000 linear feet of silt fence, 6,600 linear feet of chain link super silt fence.